Calculating Capacity and Selecting System Process and System processor
The main purpose of designing and building a chemical factory is to get added value in terms of the economy from a raw material. Increased economic value is done in a way to make raw materials into a product that has a value of selling the company so that higher processing gain profit (profit). In the factories that produce goods such as basic chemical fertilizer urea, acid sulphate, ethanol and the like, standard quality is just simply the composition and purity. Selling price of products and raw materials for each and keep a certain innocence. For factories such as this, the option to get more profit by increasing the quality is not but in a way to save production costs and increase the amount of product produced per year. The amount of product produced per unit of time is what is called the production capacity.
The calculation of production capacity to be careful that a very important aspect in the business get more profit. Of course, this calculation should be supported with the analysis of the needs of the market carefully, as has also disinggung in part 1. Increase the production capacity can be done in a way and add or modify existing equipment to operate more optimally and efficiently. Modification of this system requires an understanding of the process and the system processor.
Supposing you want to conserve fish milkfish. You have several options how preservation: dried, marinated or diasapkan. Ways of curing this process is called the system. If you select a system process to preserve milk evaporation, next only to the system is called evaporation. Your product is milkfish smoke. To make milkfish smoke, again you see the system selection process, use of smoke in the form of gas or liquid smoke. If you choose to use the smoke gas, you need a fireplace to smoke and smoking room. If you choose to use liquid smoke, you will need a container, a bucket for example, to soak in the milk liquid smoke. Hearth of smoke, smoking room and a bucket system is processing. Illustration of the milkfish smoke is expected to stabilize the process of understanding the system and the system processor.
Business production in the chemical factory system requires various processes and systems that dirangkai processor in a system that restrained the production process. For easier, a series of system is called the production process technology. In addition to market demand and availability of raw materials and utilities, as has been disinggung in section 1, the performance of the process technology is also a benchmark in determining the production capacity could be due to a technological process has a minimum capacity limit that the company remains a profit.
Process technology that are sold in the form of license is usually displayed in the form of a set of system processes, called alir diagram or block diagram. Alir diagram showing a more detailed set of system processor and is called a flow chart. Any license that is a load and be licensed or patented technology for the design process. You may often hear the Kraft process technology for the production of cheese, Richard process for purifying salt, Kelloggs process technology for the production of milk powder, the process for the production process Faurchild glass window. Like Nobel awards for scientists, Pulitzer award for journalists, the Kirkpatrick Award is an award for international designer of the factory production process technology, chemicals that are considered to contribute or a new breakthrough in the world's most creative design process technology. Diagram Alir Mass and Energy Balance
Efforts to create a block diagram flow chart calculation requires the mass and energy balance. Mass balance is the amount of study materials that enter, exit and who terakumulasi from each system process. Energy balance is a series of processes and the overall study about the amount of energy (heat) that must dipasok or excluded from each set of system processes and the process overall. The development of computing technology have been helpful in providing a variety of software for calculation of mass and energy balance, including Hisys and ChemCad.
The most interesting data from the mass and energy balance is the amount of each raw material, and the fuel needed to produce per unit selling products, such as per kilogram or per liter. Calculation of product acquisition can be determined from the data. Obtaining meaningful, how many percent of the raw materials that diumpankan changes to the product. The calculation of profit per unit sale also can be determined from this data. If you want to invest capital to build the factory re-acquired after the factory to operate in a certain period of time, you can estimate how many products must be made in this period with this data. In other words, you have set your production capacity.
Things that needs to calculate the mass and energy balance is the basic calculation in terms of process technology. Factory that performs a continuous production process (continuous) 24 hours a day 300 days a year as plant fertilizer and petroleum refining factory using the basic calculation of the rate of production, the rate of materials that enter and exit the system per unit time is short, for example, per hour or per minute .
Use the basic calculation is not suitable to the operating system process partaian (batch) or a process that requires time to operate in, for example, the fermentation process. For example, you might be able to make a tape (peuyeum) 480 kg in one process with a long fermentation process 2 minutes. The calculation you will be more accurate if you use the basic calculation of 1440 kg per week of 10 kg per hour, with the presumption 6 working days a week.
Basic calculations should also consider the range of time between the delivery of raw materials and product sales. What raw materials are sent in a certain amount once a week, once a month or three months. Considerations also affect this large warehouse is needed. System Pereaksian and Separation Systems & purification
Elections into the system processor unit process technology is very dependent on the work load processor system is known from the calculation of mass and energy balance. In general, the main system from a chemical plant is a system process pereaksian, who then called for pereaksian system, and system separation & purification processes, which then called for pemisahaan & purification systems. While there are factories that process the system only consists of a main system separation & purification factory just like sugar and the salt factory, or just like any system pereaksian soap factory.
Pereaksian system is a typical chemical plant. The process of change of raw materials into products occurs in this system. The questions that need to be answered before the design is how the system pereaksian equality and stoikiometrinya reaction, the temperature and pressure the reaction will be, whether the material akan direaksikan on solid phase, liquid or gas, whether the catalytic reaction requires, whether the phase catalyst is used solid or liquid, whether these reactions generate heat or require heating the reaction and how long it lasts.
Processing system for system process is pereaksian reactor. There are two most popular theoretical models used in designing the reactor to operate in circumstances tunak, namely continuous Stirred Tank reactor (CSTR) and plug flow reactor (PFR). The difference is the basic assumption that the concentration of the components involved in the reaction. CSTR reactor model is a form of berpengaduk tank and the mixer is assumed to work in the floatation tank is perfect so that the concentration of each component in a reactor of uniform concentration of the flow out of reactor. This model is usually used in the homogeneous reaction in which all the raw materials and katalisnya berfasa liquid, or a reaction between liquid and gas with a liquid catalyst. For heterogeneous reactions, for example, between the raw material gas with the solid catalyst using the PFR. PFR-like water from the sand filter. Catalyst placed in a pipe and from between the catalyst missed the raw materials such as water passes between the sand in the filter. Assumptions used is no difference in the concentration of each component involved in along the way fingers pipe.
Separation and purification systems aim to be the result of pereaksian system in accordance with market demand so that eligible sold. Separation system is also sometimes necessary to prepare the raw materials so that the concentration or the situation in accordance with the catalyst which helped organize the reaction.
Elections separation and purification system depends on the difference in the nature of physical and chemical nature of each component to be separated. Physical nature of the differences that can be used to separate components of a mixture is a phase difference (solid, liquid or gas), particle size differences, differences in static electricity load, the difference of vapor pressure and boiling point or point bekunya difference. Differences in the nature of the chemical can be used to separate components of a mixture is the solubility and level kereaktifan.
Processing system that is built depends on the type of difference in what you want used to separate components. System processing tool and filter room precipitation can be used to carry out the separation process system padatan of liquid or gas, to separate the two liquid phase not only can be dissolved using settling space. Processing tool filter system can also be used to separate the solid material with particles of different sizes. System separation and purification processing the most prevalent chemical in the factory is the distillation and extraction. Distillation utilizing the difference of vapor pressure difference of each component while extraction utilizing solubility differences in the degree of one type of component or a solvent mixture.
System change and Heat System Utilities
The two main systems on the process, both system and system pereaksian separation & purification processes require operating conditions on a certain temperature and pressure. Increase or decrease pressure is usually carried out by raising the temperature in a volume of space and its contents be kept. A system change is required in order to heat the main system can take place.
System for processing trade system is a tool pemindah hot summer ataau known as the heat exchanger. Things that need to be in the design and select the heat exchanger is the temperature and pressure during the process of transfer of heat occurs, the phase fluida give and receive hot, and whether changes occur in the phase fluida the heating or heated, and the physical nature of each fluida. Physical nature fluida include heat capacity (Cp), kalor evaporation, scale and speed of moving heat. Things above considered to determine the broad surface of the touch between fluida heating and heated so that the process of transfer of heat perfect.
In the factory, usually hot 'stored' in the fluida kept at a certain temperature and pressure. Fluida the most common use is hot water and steam because of cheap and has a high heat capacity. Fluida other conditions usually used to exchange heat at a temperature above 100 C in the atmosphere of pressure. Water or moisture bertekanan (called vapor) get hot from the furnace or boiler.
Heat removal system is not only tasked to provide heat, but also absorb heat. For example, the system absorbs heat from the process that produces energy system such as a process that involves the reaction eksotermik or absorb heat so that the condition of the system under room temperature or the temperature around. To penyerap summer so that the temperature below room temperature using a refrigerant usually factory, the same material with which to work on your refrigerator. The use of water as a medium for cooling also limit the physical nature of boiling point and freezing point. Cooling water temperature to be returned to a temperature around room temperature or for it to be re-enabled as a refrigerator. Processing system that is doing this cooling tower.
Cooling tower, boiler and furnace systems, the processing system for the heat and hot waster system. Second system of this process together with the air bertekanan system, the system provider of electricity and clean water production for the needs of the support system is a system process called the main utility system. Needs of utilities and system performance depends on how well the system is capable of utilities' serve 'the needs of the primary system and depends on the efficiency of the use of raw materials and fuel.
Factory does not need to have their own utility system processor. Electricity, for example, factories can be purchased from PLN PLN if local capacity is adequate, or buy from the neighboring factory. Similarly, for waste processing unit, a unit of steam & water cooling unit and the air bertekanan. On an industrial area, for example, in Singapore, some of the utilities for the entire area is managed by the state. The withdrawal & PLN PDAM in Indonesia, Singapore, have a waste processing company, the company's gas fuel & air bertekanan. In some areas that are still not affordable to the company network, there are private companies that appointed government needs to sell the utility. This became one of the benefits of the more enthralling for investors to infuse capital in Singapore.
If you want to provide a factory utilitasnya own system, the system processor to the system utility easily obtainable in the market. Many companies that sell boiler or furnace in a variety of heat capacity. Just as electricity generators and water cleaning equipment. You determine how much heat is needed factory per hour or per day, the same as determining how many kWh of electricity you need. The seller will recommend a boiler or electrical generator according to your needs even memasangkannya in your factory.
Indeed, the design processing system for utilities not serumit process of designing the system and the main system processor. Both systems require knowledge of chemistry and chemical engineering depth to the process technology that will be built. If you buy a license the technology, you can entrust the design and development of the factory on the seller license, of course with the purchase price is higher. You can use the services in a consultant company to design and build the system and the system main processor if you want to design their own process technology. Companies engaged in the design services that have chemical factories in Indonesia are PT Engineering Industry (ReKin) and PT Inti Karya Persada Teknik (IKPT).
After the design and development of the factory is completed, the factory should be operated in a restrained and produce quality products with the same reserve. For that, the factory is equipped with the necessary system control and system management of human resources involved, which will manage and control the production process. The description of the general system control and management system of a factory will be loaded on any posts next, along with a general study on the economic feasibility of a factory.
Thanks to:
Erna Mulyani, Donna Sulistia Kusuma & S. Adi Tursilo already improved this paper.
Further reading:
* Turton, Bailie, Whiting & Shaelwitz "Synthesis Analysis and Design of Chemical Processes"
* Smith "Chemical Process Design"
* Bowman "Applied Economic Analysis for Technologists, Engineers and Managers"
* Martyn.S.Ray & Martin.G.Sneesby "Chemical Engineering Design Project"
* Tarek.M. Khalil "Management of Technology"
* Dutta & Manzoni "Process Reengineering, Change & Performance Improvement"
* Kunto Mangkusubroto & Listiarini Trisnadi "Decision Analysis"
* Susilo & Wilson "Site Remediation, planning & management"
* Himmelblau "Basic Principles and Calculation in Chemical Engineering" 5th edition. Prentice Hall
* Treybal "Mass Transfer Operation" 3rd edition Mc Graw Hill
* Klaus Sattler & HJFeindt "Thermal Separation Process" Willey International Edition
* Humprey & Keller "Separation Process Technology" Mc Graw Hill
* Froust, Menzel, Clump, Andersen "Principles of Unit Operation" Jhon Willey & sons
* Cheremisinoff "Handbook of Chemical Process Equipment" * Heinennman Butterworth
* Perry Green "Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook" 5th edition. Mc Graw Hill
Branan * "Rules of Thumb for Chemical Engineers"
* Austin Shreve "Shreve's Chemical Process Industries" 5th edition. Mc Graw Hill
* Mc Ketta "Unit Operations Handbook, Vol 1 & 2" Dekker
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Appropriate Use of Technology category
Energy balance,
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